Swirl Style Glass Oil Burner 5.5" 4 × $9.00
510 Battery Cookies Each (Mixed Designs) 3 × $20.00
Hot Cat Woman Rolling Tray 10.5" x 6" 1 × $10.00
Beer Glass Bowl 14mm 2 × $26.00
Hot Girl Comic Book Style Rolling Tray 11" x 6.5" 1 × $10.00
Bee And Flower Hand Painted Bowl 14mm 1 × $27.00
Holographic Rainbow 10 Arms Perc Ice Catcher Glass Bong 14" 1 × $132.00
Trippy Eye and Mushrooms 3D Glow in The Dark Hand Painting Bong 12.5" 2 × $159.00
Backwood V2 510 batteries Each (Mixed Designs) 1 × $14.00
Helix Function Cap Glow in The Dark Quartz Banger 14mm Male Joint 1 × $31.00
Beautiful 3D Flowers Resin Glass Bong 7." 1 × $88.00
Glow in the Dark Hand painted Marijauna Leaf Design Honeycomb Perc Quartz Banger Oil Rig 10" 1 × $132.00
Mario Silicone Stash Container 1.5" 1 × $5.00
Small Space Glass Bong Showerhead Perc 7.5" 1 × $84.00
Backwood V2 510 batteries 25pcs/Box 1 × $350.00
Buda 350 mah Wax Pen Vaporizer Battery 1 × $49.00
Subtotal: $1,398.00